Refund policy

Except in cases of product defects,After order confirmationPlease note that we do not accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations.
Each product page includes size information, so please check your own size before making a purchase.

Please note that we cannot issue a refund if any of the following conditions apply.

  1. If you are unable to return the product
  2. If you are unable to provide the necessary information for the transfer, such as the name of the financial institution, account number, and account holder's name for the refund,
  3. If it has been more than 30 days since we notified you of the receipt of your return,

[Cases where returns, exchanges, and cancellations are not possible]
・Products that have been over 8 days since arrival
・Used and washed products
- Requests for changes in color, size, or order quantity due to customer convenience
・Incorrect order placement

In the case of returns due to our store's circumstances as described below, please contact us within [8 days after arrival].

[Conditions for Returns, Exchanges, and Cancellations]
・If the product delivered is different from the one you ordered
・In case there are any defects